Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Project based learning method

Ø  Definition

Project-based learning is considered an alternative to paper-based, rote memorization, teacher-led classrooms.

Ø  Background

According to the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), project-based learning has its roots in experiential education and the philosophy of John Dewey. The method of project-based learning emerged due to developments in learning theory in the past 25 years.

PBL promotes group dynamics, peer evaluation, and persuasive skills. Project-based learning can involve, but is not limited to:
·         Asking and refining questions
·         Debating ideas
·         Making predictions
·         Designing plans and/or experiments
·         Collecting and analyzing data
·         Drawing conclusions
·         Communicating ideas and findings to others
·         Asking new questions
·         Creating artifacts .

Ø  Teacher role
Project-based learning is only possible in classrooms where teachers support students by giving sufficient guidance and feedback. The teacher must thoroughly explain all tasks that are to be completed, provide detailed directions for how to develop the project, and circulate within the classroom in order to answer questions and encourage student motivation. In order to create successful units focused on project-based learning, teachers must plan well and be flexible.
Ø  Student role
Students generally work in small, collaborative groups in the project-based learning model. They find sources, conduct research, and hold each other responsible for learning and the completion of tasks. Essentially, students must be “self-managers” in this approach to instruction.

Ø  Outcomes
      More important than learning science, students need to learn to work in a community, thereby taking on social responsibilities. The most significant contributions of PBL have been in schools languishing in poverty stricken areas; when students take responsibility, or ownership, for their learning, their self-esteem soars. It also helps to create better work habits and attitudes toward learning.
     The students learn more than just finding answers, PBL allows them to expand their minds and think beyond what they normally would. Students have to find answers to questions and combine them using critically thinking skills to come up with answers.

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